Refine Technical Blog
A resource for Refine, front-end ecosystem, and web development. Here, we publish insightful articles that demystify complex concepts, explore new trends, and provide helpful tips to enhance your coding journey.
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Essentials of Managing Form State with React Hook Form
This post covers the essentials of form state management with React Hook Form library.
Tailwind Animations with Examples
Understanding the cleanup function of the useEffect hook in React. Learn how to clean up side effects in React components to prevent memory leaks and improve performance.
React useEffect Cleanup Function
Understanding the cleanup function of the useEffect hook in React. Learn how to clean up side effects in React components to prevent memory leaks and improve performance.
Building a CRUD app with Shadcn UI and Refine
We demonstrate how to integrate Shadcn UI components to build a collection of components and pages within a Refine app.
What are Low Code Development Platforms?
We'll looking into low-code platforms, when and where they can be used, and limitations you might face during the development.
JWT Authentication - What is JSON web token?
We will focus mainly on using JWTs for securing web applications.
Developing Internal Tools in 2024
Internal tools are specialized software applications used by a company's back-office departments.
How do you wrap text content in CSS?
We'll look at the CSS features that allow us to wrap overflowing text in containers.
TypeScript Mapped Types in Depth
This post provides an in-depth guide on how to derive mapped types in TypeScript.
What is Version Control and Benefits of Using It?
Version control systems are essential to any successful software project. Understand version control fundamentals and compare version control systems.